For those of you familiar with physics, my name is steve not or steve sub o. for those of you that arn't physics gurus, its steveo.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Singing a new tune

After much long research, I have come to the conclusion that girls don't fart as much because they don't close their mouths long enough to build the necessary pressure.


Blogger dorkpunch said...


February 28, 2006 11:05 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your just asking for trouble with that one!

February 28, 2006 12:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen! The reason women's mouths are oopen more is because men are always saying "huh?" and we have to explain it all over again! You are in big trouble. See the comments on Doug's blog!

March 02, 2006 7:51 AM

Blogger Brookie said...

The reason that we open our mouths more is because we use our brains more often. And if we didn't speak, our heads would blow up.

March 09, 2006 8:10 AM


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