For those of you familiar with physics, my name is steve not or steve sub o. for those of you that arn't physics gurus, its steveo.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

The benefits of being a foreigner

Those of you from Canada, you ougtha know exactly what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the ability to get out of tickets! Now, I've had the occasional run in with cops in America. Lets just round to say 17 or 18 times that I've been pulled over. Tonight, thoguh, was a new experience.

It started out innocent enough. Myself, Aaron and Jory piled into the caprice to go to a wedding reception and then to sportsmans warehouse. The speedbumps across the street at the movie theatre looked so inviting afterwards that we decided we just had to hit them. As I tried to get a good bump out of the first one, I looked right and noticed a rent-a-cop. You know, the old guy in the late 80's model white car witha sherriffs badge painted on the door? The one thats a security guard, but thinks hes got actual power? Well, I figure he couldn't do anything, so I got set for the next speed bump. about that time I heard a little siren. I looked left this time and noticed another one staring me down. once again, I figured he couldn't do anything, so I lined up for the speedbump and nailed it! This rent-a-cop, obviousley irate that I would try such a thing on "his" turf, flipped a brody and started following me. As I put my seatbelt on, I wondered, what is this joker doing. About that time, he pulled out, passed and cut me off. Did he really think he could do anything? Kick me off the property, maybe. I've been to the theatre once in the three years that I've been here. Barring me from the property just didn't seem like an effective solution to me. He threatened me with probation, glared at me, and in the end walked away, cause there was really nothing he could do. It made for a good story to tell, about "The Night I Got Pulled Over By a Rent-A-Cop." Maybe it oughta be made into an opera or something eh?


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