For those of you familiar with physics, my name is steve not or steve sub o. for those of you that arn't physics gurus, its steveo.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Stress and stuff

School is stressful. I could end there and that would probably be enough for today, but I'll say a little more. I like school and all. I have quite a bit left. I don't know for sure what I'm gonna do with it all when I graduate, but I'm sure I'll have fun at it, whatever it is. I just don't seem to make the necessary time for the homework. This summer I had that pleasure of waking up every morning at 5 and I was fine all day. sure, I was tired, but I wasn't going to sleep on the bull dozer or anything. ok, there was that one time... Now I go to class after waking up at 6:30 and I can't stay awake! I don't get it. Now Heidi, I'm not complaining about us talking on the phone, cause we did that even when I was in washington. I enjoyed it then and I still enjoy it now. I just don't get why I can't wake up! Maybe thinking about math and physics is more draining than thinking about how I can avoid hitting pick ups while I'm in the dump truck. Note to self - Never do that again.


Blogger TnT said...

Sorry! I know I get more tired from "mental" work than physical. How was the trip to Logan?

September 15, 2006 6:58 AM

Blogger dorkpunch said...

time zone change... you'll get used to it just in time for daylight savings.

September 18, 2006 8:42 PM

Blogger Angel said...

One day the Land O Homework will be gone. One day. Let me know when you arrive. I want to stay there for a while. I have a few more years of sailing until I get there. Tell you Mom & Dad "Hi" for us. We'll be back in UT for Gen Con Oct 2007. Hopefully. I found out you can't request tickets a year ahead of time. Huh.

October 05, 2006 7:48 PM


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