For those of you familiar with physics, my name is steve not or steve sub o. for those of you that arn't physics gurus, its steveo.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

The secrets we carry

For all you Mormons out there, did you grow up the same as me? You know what I'm talking about. All the Mormon myths about tunnels under BYU. Has anyone ever actually been in them? And why is there only myths about the real BYU and not BYU-I? I'm gonna take the liberty to start some.

There are tunnels everywhere out here!! Not to go into detail about which buildings or who was accomplice to our crimes, but we found tunnels over, under and through buildings. Thats about all I'm gonna say at the risk of incriminating myself and anyone else that was involved. No, its not. I'll say this. You can start underneath the main floor and end up behind the wall and above the ceiling of the main floor. I popped out the ceiling tile and said hi to some folks. Pretty darn exciting!


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