For those of you familiar with physics, my name is steve not or steve sub o. for those of you that arn't physics gurus, its steveo.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The Ending

Also known as finals... I just took my Calc III final today. That was pretty exciting. First of all, It sucked. Second of all, I sucked. Any math test at 7 a.m. is gonna suck. At least its over with. There was only three questions that I had no clue on. Three out of twenty that is. Only 15 % of the test and 1.5 percent of my final grade. No biggie, right?. I ask myself, should I try to learn it after the fact? Would it benefit me in later math and physics classes? Probably. Will I do it? Probably not. I think I'll be content with moving on, just as is required of us in most aspects of life. You live, you learn, and you move on. I've recently learned that lesson to a much greater degree than I ever have before. So, as Chuck used to always say, "life sucks and then you die." True in a way, but at the same time, so wrong. Life is glorious because it can suck, but we can learn so much through it sucking and then we still get to die which is a great thing too. One of these days, I'll put up a quote that I just love, on how death is so necessary. Honestly, would you really want to live forever?


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