For those of you familiar with physics, my name is steve not or steve sub o. for those of you that arn't physics gurus, its steveo.

Monday, January 10, 2022

The Seed

Almost 12 years ago, I was somewhat bored between tasks at work, so I pulled out my notebook and wrote a poem.  That little notebook has been lost and found many times over the years, but I never wrote anything more in it.  Today, I was cleaning out my work back pack and found it again.  I figured I ought to write this poem down somewhere so that next time I lose the notebook, it can stay lost!

A Seed Gets Planted

Satan is a wily devil

He is so stinking smart

"Just once," he says, "It'll be fun."

And then he has you caught

"I can stop anytime you," you say,

But you've tried over and over again.

The problem lies within yourself

You've fallen victim to a sin

See, Satan plants just one seed

And often thats enough,

To get you off the strait and narrow,

To put you on your duff.

Christ is willing to take you back.

He's always there for us.

An eternal friend with love for all,

One who can clean up the mess.

Christ also plants seeds in hearts

only eternally better still.

The seeds that Christ plants in us

Are sure to give you a fill.

So when deciding which fruit to pick

Think first of the seed that grew.

And if that seed was rotten to start,

You're sure the fruit is too.


Blogger Angel said...

Great poem!

February 08, 2025 1:10 PM


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