A typical journal entry...
I write in my journal two or three times a year. It usually begins with something to the effect of this. "So, theres this girl..." I feel sorry for my poor kids and grandkids who will read it someday and think, "what was Great Grandpa Steveo thinking?! He sure was a dork!" And so it begins. Theres this girl. I've written about her before (refer to the valentines day post, and an other one somewhere around there. I think it was titled "What a woman!"). She's amazing! She's the reason I went to Rexburg last weekend. Ya, I had to take the trailer back, or at least it made for a good excuse. Anywho, thats about the gist of the excitement in my life right now. I sat on the loader for about eleven hours today. Didn't even break it!! Well, I did, but it wasn't bad enough that I had to fix it. Till next time, stay good!
Women are wonderful.
May 16, 2006 1:36 PM
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